The Blue Mountains Astronomical Club Inc. (BMAstro) is a community-based incorporated society of amateur astronomers based in the Blue Mountains, making use of the Hampton locality as our dark sky site.

Ever wanted to look through a telescope and see Saturn’s rings and moons?
Ever wondered what that bright star is called, and how far away it is?
Ever seen a Galaxy or a Nebula? You would be surprised what you can see in a dark sky!
Or maybe you already have a telescope and have been wanting some guidance on how to use it more effectively, or have been looking for other amateur astronomers in your area to join to share in this fascinating science.

Whatever it might be, BMAstro would love to help you explore your curiosity.

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BMAstro Planned Dark Sky Sessions 2025.

Sessions are planned around the New Moon phase. If the timing of the New Moon phase falls midweek, this allows for two dates to be held, otherwise one date will be planned for (Session Date 2). As always, sessions going ahead will depend on the weather of the day. These dates are not “all go come what may”. Final green light for a session will be given via email and our Facebook group page. Additional sessions may be arranged according to weather conditions.

Please check our Facebook page for the final go-ahead instructions of each date as they come up in turn.


Session 1

  • Feb 28

  • Mar 1

  • Apr 26 (Astro Camp date)

  • May 24

  • Jun 21

  • Jul 26

  • Aug 23

  • Sep 20 (Astro Camp date)

  • Oct 18

  • Nov 22

  • Dec 20

Session 2

  • -

  • Mar 29

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  • May 31 (Moon sets @ 9:02pm)

  • Jun 28

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  • Oct 25 (Moon sets @ 10:55pm)

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New Moon Dates 2025.

  • Jan 29th

  • Feb 27th

  • Mar 29th

  • Apr 27th

  • May 26th

  • Jun 25th

  • Jul 24th

  • Aug 23rd

  • Sep 21st

  • Oct 21st

  • Nov 20th

  • Dec 19th


COVID-19 Response & Rules.

Sessions will also be held according to best practice regarding current COVID conditions. The severity of conditions will be determined by the current NSW Health instructions.

If you are sick or have the sniffles, do not come.

The use of face masks is according to individual’s preference as most of our activities are conducted outdoors, unless mandated by NSW Health. If you feel more comfortable wearing a face mask at all times you are welcome to.

Outreach events are conducted with best practice in mind.

What We Do.

BMAstro seeks to advocate amateur astronomy through the organisation of stargazing sessions, and the promotion of science in the wider community through public outreach activities.  While we are based in the in the Blue Mountains, a large percentage of our membership resides in Sydney, which means we also organise events at different locations.

Our mission is to champion the pursuit of knowledge, nurture curiosity, and foster the imagination.

BMAstro is also available to conduct outreach events for schools, organizations and private events. It is also possible to arrange for private Sky Tours, such as for small groups. Please contact us for details.

Dark Skies around Hampton NSW.

After over 16 years of using Katoomba Airfield, BMAstro was obliged to find a new home following Katoomba Airfield being handed over to an Aboriginal land claim. While it was disappointing losing this site, the Airfield was also not the pristine sky it had been 16 years ago, moving from a Bortle 4 site to a Bortle 5 due to increasing light pollution from Katoomba.  The required move was the catalyst to finding a new home, hopefully with a darker sky.  And we have!

Our new home is in the locality of Hampton, out towards Jenolan Caves.  This site may be a little further away, but the sky we now enjoy is a very dark Bortle 2.

Our new home shares many of the same properties that Katoomba Airfield had, such as high elevation (now over 1000m), a big sky, exceptional transparency, the sky glow dome of Sydney is even smaller and we have now escaped the light pollution of Katoomba.  All of these factors provide this Hampton site with a night sky that reveals dim stars right down to the very limits visible to the naked eye from the most remote and darkest of locations, down to magnitude 7.  Not only is the planet Uranus visible naked eye from here, but fainter stars around it too.

Access to this new location is exclusively for BMAstro financial members and their guests.  There are conditions around our use of this location which means we need to limit access to the site to financial members and their guests.


BMAstro Sponsors.